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Christian Values

'Love your neighbour as yourself' Mark 12:31

During the time children are with us at Measham CE Primary School, we are committed to helping children discover their spiritual and moral standpoint in our world. 

Listening to bible stories and pulling out the key messages that give us faith and guidance in the decisions we have to make provides us with a good map of how to be a happy, contented and positive members of our society. Our schools chosen Bible verse is Mark 12:31; Love your neighbour as yourself. 

Loving your neighbour as yourself is something we all want to do. It’s the second greatest commandment and one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. Loving your neighbour as yourself is found eight times in the Bible. Not once. Not twice. Eight times!

But loving your neighbour as yourself isn’t always easy. That’s why God made it a command. He knew we’d struggle. Making it a command is actually to our benefit. We have to do it on purpose, be intentional about it. 

We discuss the Christian faith and its teachings around six main values:·    

  • Thankfulness
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Forgiveness
  • Respect

How do Christian Values help me?

I am always thankful for all the good things in my life. I had a happy childhood, with caring parents. I had a good education which led to a fulfilling career. Prayer always has, and still does, help me to take the right direction. I have a loving family and as well as caring for them I have a need to show love, kindness and fairness to others I meet. Being a Christian has most of all given me patience and tolerance towards others. It is important to me to respect other people who may have different opinions, or way of life. 

Mrs Helen Phillips
Foundation Governor

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