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Sessions, fees and funding

Opening Hours

Our Pre-school operates 38 weeks a year, Monday – Friday; term time only. We are open during the hours of 8.40am and 3.15pm. 
Bookings for all Pre-school children should be made via the Pre-school Registration form to allow us to check for spaces and availability. Once places are confirmed, a Parental Statement of Undertaking must also be completed. Booking forms are completed in advance for a full term or part-term if a child joins mid-way through the term. All forms are accessible via the school office: 01530 271019 or
All funded hours or privately paid bookings must be booked in the following blocks:
Morning session no lunch 8.40-11.45 3 hours 
Afternoon session no lunch 12.15-3.15 3 hours
Full day (including lunch club) 8.40-3.15 6.5 hours
If all sessions are fully booked, then a waiting list process will be implemented and we will contact you as soon as an opening becomes available.

We run a lunch club for children that stay for both a morning and afternoon session. Children are to bring their own packed lunch. This is charged at £1.50 per session.

Additional Hours
Additional hours are charged at £5.00 per hour. Invoices are issued monthly retrospectively and can be paid by cheque or cash to the school office. By arrangement, this can be paid online via Arbor, speak to the office if you require any information.