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Year 1 Rabbits

Welcome to Rabbits

​Class Teacher: Mrs Barker
Learning Support: Mrs Costa, Mrs Moore & Miss Belafalvi

Welcome to our first exciting term, we have so many things planned and are looking forward to sharing all our new learning with you.

We are really excited about our new wider curriculum subjects and this term we will be finding out all about our school and the local area, seasonal changes in science and exploring the legacy of Walter Tull.

In English we will be focusing on the book ‘Dear Zoo’, focusing on sentence structure and writing our very own version.. In Mathematics we will be building on our knowledge, looking at number bonds to 10 and in Art we will be learning all about the artist Henry Rousseau, focusing on the use of different hues and tones to create jungle paintings.

Every Wednesday the children will visit the library to choose a book to read for pleasure. Reading at home is incredibly important for your child’s progress, so please continue to hear your child read at home.

Please make sure their reading book is in school every day. Their book will be changed every Monday and Thursday.

We will be having PE every Tuesday and Wednesday so please could your child come to school dressed in their PE kit.

Come back soon to see what we have been learning.

#curiosity #positivity #communication