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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

EYFS Butterflies

Welcome to EYFS

Class Teacher: Miss Moore
Learning Support: Mrs Wileman & Miss McMahon

EYFS at Measham focusses on building strong communication and language skills. We learn through a mixture of playing together, focused learning activities, our role play areas as well as exploring our outdoor provision.

This half term we are exploring The Royal Family and castles in our latest topic 'Kings and Queens'. We will be learning all about the monarchy and think about our own families too, we will be starting to build our own family trees! We will be reading stories such as 'If I Were King', 'The Queen's Hat' and 'Zog'. We will also be finding out about King Charles III and reading 'King Charles - Little People, Big Dreams' to learn all about his life. We are also excited to explore our favourite stories on World Book Day on Thursday 6th March.

In Maths, we are starting to explore 9 and 10 and learn how these numbers continue on from number 1-8 which we have previously looked at. We will also be investigating length, height and time. In our Understanding of the World sessions we will be finding out about spring changes and Easter. We will also be preparing for our Easter celebrations at the end of term with our church service and the Easter bonnet parade!

Our PE sessions will be every Tuesday and Friday.

#loveoflearning #kindness #independence #honesty