EYFS Butterflies
Welcome to EYFS
Class Teacher: Miss Moore
Learning Support: Mrs Wileman & Miss McMahon
EYFS at Measham focusses on building strong communication and language skills. We learn through a mixture of playing together, focused learning activities, our role play areas as well as exploring our outdoor provision.
This half term we are exploring winter and seasonal changes in our topic 'Frozen Planet'. We will be learning all about the weather, winter and cold regions in our story sessions, reading books such as 'Jack Frost', 'The Great Explorer' and 'Lost and Found'.
In Maths, we are starting to explore the number 0 and will continue to practise our subitising skills with numbers 1-5. We will also be investigating mass and capacity and begin to look at numbers 6, 7 and 8. In our Understanding of the World sessions we will observe features of winter, investigate changes of state and find out how penguins survive in a cold environment!
Our PE sessions will be every Tuesday and Friday.
#loveoflearning #kindness #independence #honesty