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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 4 Squirrels

Welcome to Squirrels

Class teacher: Mrs Pope & Mrs Campbell
Learning support: Mrs Reed

In Squirrels Class, we are diving into exciting learning this term! 

First, we are exploring Coasts, where we learn about different coastal features, how they are formed, and the impact of human activities on coastal environments. We'll investigate erosion, tides, and the importance of coastal conservation.

Next, in Electricity, we are discovering the basics of electrical circuits, conductors, and insulators. We have already started to look at static electricity and how we can create it ourselves. We'll experiment with creating simple circuits and understand how electricity powers our everyday devices. Safety around electricity is also a key focus.

In English we are looking at narrative writing, especially using speech. We'll delve into story elements like plot, character development, and setting. In Maths we are continuing to learn about multiplication and division, really honing our skills. Later in the half term we will move on to length and perimeter

We are continuing PE on a Tuesday with our sports coach and Friday is swimming up until half term

It's going to be a term full of learning and creativity! 

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables, using our rolling numbers and TTRS.

Spellings will be handed out and tested every Monday – they will be sent home in your reading records.

#enthusiasm #reasoning #focus and #love of learning