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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 4 Squirrels

Welcome to Squirrels

Class teacher: Mrs Pope & Mrs Campbell
Learning support: Mrs Reed

Squirrels have come back after the half term with such a positive energy. We have thrown ourselves straight back into our learning and have really impressed Mrs Pope and Mrs Campbell with their attitude and eagerness!

We have been working had in Mathematics, focusing on addition and subtraction. We are working hard on subtraction with more than one exchange and are looking forward to using this knowledge in tricky problems. We all very keen to continue looking at the four operations focusing on multiplication and division later on this term.

In English we are working on our sentence structure and grammar, thinking about our vocabulary choices and how to best explain our ideas. We are looking at non chronological reports and will be looking at lots of examples to help inspire us to write our own reports later on this term. We have show great curiosity when comparing different non chronological reports and giving our opinions on the layout and features.

After last terms exciting wider curriculum we have already shown great enthusiasm for the subjects we will be looking at this half term. In Science we will be researching and investigating about our teeth and food chains. In art we are studying the use of light and how this can be shown through different mediums. In History we will be looking at the Ancient Egyptians and their lives, using sources of evidence to show this including Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Our Geography moves on from rivers to coasts this half term, looking at the physical features of coasts and how they are changing over time. In our Computing lessons we are focusing on digital media, thinking about how to take the best photo and looking at tools we can use to edit and improve them.

Don’t forget to keep practicing your times tables, using our rolling numbers and TTRS.

Spellings will be handed out and tested every Monday – they will be sent home in your reading records.

We are all so excited to start our swimming this half term, please remember to bring your kit, swim hat and goggles if needed every Friday

PE will be on a Tuesday – please ensure you have the appropriate kit as the weather starts to get wetter and colder.

#enthusiasm #reasoning #focus and #love of learning