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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 3 Moles

Welcome to Moles

Class Teacher: Mrs Hart
Learning Support: Miss Plant, Mrs Rickaby

We hope that you have all had a peaceful Christmas and wish all our families the best for 2025.

In English, we are looking at descriptive writing and how we can draw the reader into our writing. We are still having a strong focus on reading activities and reading for pleasure. Please read with your child at least three times a week and make a note of it in their diary. The reading books need to be in school everyday.

This half term we are starting our weekly spelling test. The children will bring home their spelling list on a Friday and the test will be the following Friday. Any questions please just ask.

In Maths, we are continuing with Multiplication and Division. The children have loved finding multiples and what you can do with them! The children are enjoying TT Rockstars and they have impressed us with their ability to log into the resource independently.

In our wider curriculum we are continuing our Geography that we started just before the Christmas break all about how the UK has changed over time. After Geography we will be moving onto the History unit all about The Shang Dynasty.

In RE we will be looking at question … How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim? This will be building on our knowledge of religions from around the world.

PE lessons will this half term be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child is in correct PE kit for the day.

We are once again all looking forward to a super half term, thank you for your support. 

#creativity #teamwork #questioning