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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 1 Rabbits

Welcome to Rabbits

​Class Teacher: Mrs Barker
Learning Support: Mrs Costa, Mrs Moore & Miss Belafalvi

Welcome to the start of the Spring term. We hope that you had a relaxing break over Christmas and are ready for an action-packed 6 weeks!

In our wider curriculum subjects this term we will be exploring materials in Science, looking at the oceans and seas in Geography and understanding Line in Art.

In English we will be focusing on instructional writing and continuing with expanding our knowledge of the past and present tense. In Mathematics we will be continuing our work on place value with numbers up to 20 and in Phonics we will be progressing through the extended code.

Every Thursday the children will visit the library to choose a book to read for pleasure. Reading at home is incredibly important for your child’s progress, so please continue to hear your child read at home.

Please make sure their reading book is in school every day. Their book will be changed every Monday and Thursday.

We will be having PE every Tuesday and Wednesday so please could your child come to school dressed in their PE kit.

Come back soon to see what we have been learning.

#curiosity #positivity #communication