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Year 3 Moles

Welcome to Moles

Class Teacher: Mrs Hart
Learning Support: Miss Plant, Mrs Rickaby

We hope that all of the children and their families have had a great summer break.

Mrs Hart, Miss Plant and Mrs Rickaby are really looking forward to working with the new Year 3 children.

In English, we are going to be looking into narrative writing from different viewpoints based on ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs’ by Jon Scieszka and hopefully writing our own newspaper reports too. We will have a strong focus on reading activities and reading for pleasure. The children will all have a reading book and diary.

Please read with your child at least three times a week and make a note of it in their diary. Reading books need to be in school every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. These will be linked to the phonics work that we are doing in class.

In Maths, we are starting with Place Value: understanding and representing numbers up to 1000. We will be setting up our TT Rockstar accounts; the children will be able to practise their times tables at home as well as at school – watch out for the username and password coming home.

In our Wider Curriculum we will be covering Geography, History and Science this half term. We will begin the year with a Geography unit – ‘Location changes over time’, where we will be exploring what is meant by the word ‘local’, drawing maps and learning how to read an ‘Ordnance Survey’ map using four-point grid references.

We are sure the children will be interested in the changes that has happened over the years in Measham. Especially when we head into Measham to gather evidence for our field work.

In History, we will be exploring the first known part of our story as humans building the chronology of people and how they lived in the past – Stone Age to Iron Age.

In Science, our unit is ‘Nutrition and Movement’ we are going to be looking at well balanced meals and how it provides part of our recommended daily intake for each food group. We are going to be learning about how our food travels through out bodies as well as how we actually move!

PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure children come to school in the correct kit on PE days.

#creativity #teamwork #questioning