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Year 3 Moles

Welcome to Moles

Class Teacher: Mrs Hart
Learning Support: Miss Plant, Mrs Rickaby

It was lovely to speak to so many parents over the two evenings before we broke up for half term. We hope you have had a great break with the children we are all ready to embark on what is usually the busiest half term of the school year. 

We are all eager to start work on our first Science unit of our Wider Curriculum. In our nutrition and movement unit we will be learning all about how to eat in a healthy way and how our bodies move. This will be followed by extending our geographical knowledge about ‘UK Changes Over Time’ and learning about Ancient China in our last History unit of the term. 

In RE we will be looking at What Hindu’s believe God is like. 

In Maths, we continue with our unit on Addition and Subtraction for a couple of weeks before moving on to multiplication. The children are very excited to be moving on to their times tables. 

In English, we are connecting our learning last half term on the Stone Age to writing a narrative story. Inspired from the book Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We are still having a strong focus on reading activities and reading for pleasure. Please read with your child at least three times a week and make a note of it in their diary. The reading books need to be in school everyday. 

PE lessons will continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child is in correct PE kit for the day.  

All of this and getting prepared for the festivities of Christmas. 

We are all looking forward to a super half term, thank you for your support. 

#creativity #teamwork #questioning