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Year 6 Foxes

Welcome to Foxes

Class Teacher: Mrs Carpenter
Learning Support: Mrs Sturdy

Welcome to back to Autumn 2 and the run up to Christmas.

This term we will be writing descriptive paragraphs focussing on embedded clauses, and writing informal letters taking inspiration from 'Inside Out'. We will then be writing instructions on how to 'ruin Christmas' taking inspiration from The Grinch. 

We will be reading in school every day, through individual lessons, quiet reads, 1:1 reads, class reads 'I read, we read, you read' and with our class book. Please ensure that you have a reading book in school every day and please read at home, at least 5 times a week. Reading is vitally important for all aspects of school life.

In Mathematics, we will continue to practise our 4 operations and begin to look at fractions. For all of our mathematics, knowledge of multiplication tables are essential, so please ensure that these are practised at home regularly. You can use your TTRockstars account to help support this.

Through the wider curriculum, Foxes class will be learning all about the Industrial Revolution in History - looking at the reign of Queen Victoria and the developments in industry; the Leicestershire trade and industry in Geography and Evolution and inheritance in Science. These will be completed in blocks with recaps throughout the year.

Our Art and DT projects will be completed throughout each half term which will involve a skill and an artist for inspiration. Look out for the great final pieces from the children in class.

Spellings and homework will be given out and tested/marked on a Friday - please make sure these are practised at home.

Our PE will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday will be gymnastics and so remember to bring your shorts. On both these days, please remember to come in your correct school PE kit. If your child is swimming, then please remember your towel, swimming kit and swimming hat.

#resilience #risk-taking #ambition